1. Create new PowerShell (.ps1) file with below script using Notepad
$Url = "http://site-url:5000"
$ListName = "Sales 2013"
$Web = Get-SPWeb $Url
$List = $Web.lists[$ListName]
if($List -eq $null)
Write-Error "The List cannot be found";return
Write-Warning "Deleting all list items from $($ListName)"
$Items = $List.GetItems()
Write-Host "Total Items to be deleted : $($Items.count)"
if($Items.count -gt 0)
$shell = new-object -comobject wscript.shell
$result = $shell.popup("Total Item to be deleted : $($Items.count) `nDo you want to continue?",0,"Alert",4+32)
if($result -eq "6")
foreach ($item in $Items)
$itemId = $item.ID
Write-Host "Deleted list item with id $($itemId)"
2. Replace values of parameters $Url and $ListName
3. Save file in server hard drive (Example: D:\PowerShell\Delete-List-Items.ps1)
4. Open "SharePoint 2010 Management Shell" with "Run as administrator"
5. Navigate to the folder where the script file is stored
(Example: cd D:\PowerShell)
6. Select file to be executed
(Example: .\Delete-List-Items.ps1)
$Url = "http://site-url:5000"
$ListName = "Sales 2013"
$Web = Get-SPWeb $Url
$List = $Web.lists[$ListName]
if($List -eq $null)
Write-Error "The List cannot be found";return
Write-Warning "Deleting all list items from $($ListName)"
$Items = $List.GetItems()
Write-Host "Total Items to be deleted : $($Items.count)"
if($Items.count -gt 0)
$shell = new-object -comobject wscript.shell
$result = $shell.popup("Total Item to be deleted : $($Items.count) `nDo you want to continue?",0,"Alert",4+32)
if($result -eq "6")
foreach ($item in $Items)
$itemId = $item.ID
Write-Host "Deleted list item with id $($itemId)"
2. Replace values of parameters $Url and $ListName
3. Save file in server hard drive (Example: D:\PowerShell\Delete-List-Items.ps1)
4. Open "SharePoint 2010 Management Shell" with "Run as administrator"
5. Navigate to the folder where the script file is stored
(Example: cd D:\PowerShell)
6. Select file to be executed
(Example: .\Delete-List-Items.ps1)
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